Bannerlord 2 has an annoying feature called safe mode where it disables all its mods. In this article I will cover how to exit safe mode.

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What happens in the bannerlord safe mode ?
Whenever you have mods installed in the game. I was playing with the following one. I am a kind of person who generally tries mods one at a time so there are no integrity collisions but alas post installing the mod I have been facing multiple crashes.
When a crash happens and you restart the game, it prompts with you a message to boot up the game in safe mode. Don’t do this what I did. This will disable everything the console the cheats the mods everything. Also I don’t exactly remember but I think even with only the dev console active the game was crashing. I think this prebuilt feature as well contributes to the crash as well.
Some games like COD have their safe modes as part of the settings menu but for this game you have to make changes to the configuration files in order to delete it.
How to exit safe mode ?
To exit safe mode do the following steps:
Go to your documents folder and find the folder for the game.

In this folder you will find a sub folder Configs inside this open engine_config.txt. Inside this file search for safely_exited this would be set to 1 in case your game is running in safe mode. In case it is not it will be 0. Set the config accordingly.

Save and restart the game for the config to actually effect.
The safe mode triggers the disablement of the dev console as well. In case you want to enable/reenable it you can follow this tutorial here.